Is At-Home Pelvic Floor Therapy Enough, or Should I See a Pelvic Floor Specialist?

Is At-Home Pelvic Floor Therapy Enough, or Should I See a Pelvic Floor Specialist?


Navigating the journey to a healthy pelvic floor can often leave individuals with a crucial question: Is at-home pelvic floor therapy sufficient, or is there a need to consult a pelvic floor specialist? As awareness grows about the importance of pelvic health, so does the array of available treatment options. This post delves into the effectiveness of at-home pelvic floor exercises versus the specialized care offered by professionals in Tulsa, helping you make an informed decision about your health.

Understanding Pelvic Floor Health

The pelvic floor is a complex network of muscles supporting the pelvic organs. Its health is paramount for urinary and bowel control, sexual function, and core stability. Dysfunction in this area, manifesting as incontinence, pelvic pain, or pelvic organ prolapse, can significantly impact quality of life. A dysfunctional pelvic floor is also incredibly common postpartum, but doesn’t have to be the new normal. While pelvic floor exercises are widely recommended for maintaining and improving pelvic health, the severity and nature of dysfunction often dictate the level of care needed.

At-Home Pelvic Floor Therapy: Pros and Cons

At-home pelvic floor therapy primarily involves performing pelvic floor exercises designed to strengthen or relax the pelvic muscles. These exercises can be highly effective for mild cases of dysfunction and are essential for preventative care as well as maintenance during and after seeking professional care.


  • Accessibility: Can be done at any time, fitting easily into daily routines.
  • Cost-Effective: Eliminates the need for regular specialist visits.
  • Can often times provide a good entry way into the journey towards pelvic floor health.


  • Lack of Personalization: Generic exercises will not address specific individual needs, often leading to a lack of results
  • Risk of Incorrect Technique: Without professional guidance, there’s a risk of performing exercises incorrectly, potentially worsening symptoms or having no effect at all.
  • Missing the connection between the exercises you are doing and the functional activities you do day to day. It is one thing to perform relaxation or strengthening exercises when you are alone and focused, but it is a different thing entirely to maintain that pelvic floor control as you are performing daily activities.

The Value of Seeing a Tulsa Pelvic Floor Specialist

Is At-Home Pelvic Floor Therapy Enough, or Should I See a Pelvic Floor Specialist?

For many, consulting a pelvic floor specialist becomes a necessary step in their treatment journey. Specialists offer a comprehensive approach to diagnosing and treating pelvic floor dysfunction, with benefits that at-home therapy alone cannot provide.

  • Personalized Care: Every individual’s pelvic floor condition is unique. Here at Vitality Pelvic Health, we provide personalized assessments to create tailored treatment plans that address specific concerns, whether it’s pain with sex, urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse or any other wide array of dysfunctions.
  • Expert Guidance and Support: Specialists offer expertise in teaching proper exercise techniques, ensuring patients perform pelvic floor exercises effectively and safely. This guidance is invaluable, particularly for individuals navigating pregnancy and postpartum recovery, when the pelvic floor is most vulnerable.
  • Advanced Treatments: Most conditions require more than exercises for full recovery. Specialists can provide advanced treatments such as lifestyle adjustment suggestions, manual therapy, and advanced corrective exercise prescriptions built around your individual needs.

Making the Right Choice for Your Pelvic Floor Health

Deciding between at-home therapy and seeking specialist care should be based on the severity of your symptoms, your goals for recovery, and your value on guidance of healthcare professionals. For those with mild symptoms, at-home exercises may be a starting point. However, if you’re experiencing persistent or severe symptoms, or if at-home exercises haven’t provided the relief you were hoping for, consulting a specialist is advisable.


While at-home pelvic floor therapy serves as a valuable tool in maintaining pelvic health, the expertise provided by a pelvic floor specialist can be pivotal in effectively addressing more complex or persistent issues. Pelvic floor therapy at Vitality Tulsa offers a spectrum of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of individuals experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction. If you’re on the fence about the best course of action for your pelvic health, consider reaching out to Vitality Tulsa for a no strings attached phone call to see if we are a good fit for your situation.

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